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HZS25 Concrete Batching Plant in Sri Lanka

Construction date: 10/16/2014
Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka
Mixer model: JS500 Concrete Mixer
Theoretical productivity: 25m³/h
Application: Airport construction


Project Description

Colombo is the capital and chief port of this country and the financial center of the island and a popular tourist destination. So the tourism takes an important role in the country's development. The three concrete batching plants were used to build a new airport to promote the country's tourism.

Customer's Evaluation

Project Manager Daniel, who is a Chinese culture enthusiasts, said: My boss tends to the euro-tech machines, but after comparing several Chinese manufactures with Italy manufactures, We decided to choose CamelWay Machinery from China. We all know that, Chinese machinery and communication industries is affecting the society progress and making sounds in world-class technology. I think China and China manufacturing industry is not as what we thought it was. We will continue to cooperate with CamelWay in the future project.

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