HZS75 Concrete Batching Plant in Kenya
Construction date: 9/16/2009
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Mixer model: JS1500 Concrete Mixer
Theoretical productivity: 75m³/h
Application:Building Construction
Project Description
Nairobi is the capital and largest city of Kenya. It is an modern international city located in Africa. More and more business man is making money by developing various programs like building shopping center, bars with many functions and other factories.
CamelWay HZS75 concrete batching plant played an important role in the construction of a big food factory in Nairobi. From July 2014, machines of this plant has been working in this project for nearly three months.
Customer's Evaluations
Plant operation manager Felix said:This HZS75 concrete plant has high working efficiency,This plant helped us to shorten the construction duration for this factory building. The centralized control system made the operation easier for our operator. I think it will also play an important role for our next construction project for Kenya Electricity Generating Company.