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Basalt Crushing Plant for Aggregate in Yunnan

Company Profile

GuiYang Shisha is a new company established in 2014, Main business is sale aggregate and manufactured sand, in 2016, They plan to invest in a new aggregate crushing plant in Yunnan. May 2017, The aggregate crushing plant put into operation.

Production process


The quarry site is located in the vicinity of the production and office area at about a distance of 100 meters. The site has a large area of black basaltic rock with a large depth; the current level of excavation being 10 meters from original surface of the ground. The material is blasted and then hauled to production area by company owned trucks.

Basalt quarry


The trucks dump the blasted rock on to the Jaw crusher. Then it is filtered from earth material before entering the crusher. The primary crusher reduces the size of boulders into smaller pieces and then it is conveyed to the secondary crusher (primary Impact crusher). The gravel is then sprinkled with water and enters the tertiary crusher (secondary impact crusher); which is the last crusher used in the chain. After this the crushed stone is conveyed to a separator having three decks.(32mm, 12mm, and 5mm top to bottom) The aggregates greater than 32mm will be taken on the top sieve and cycle back to secondary impact crusher for further action. Aggregates between 12mm and 32mm will be conveyed to one place as coarse aggregate or 02. Then those passing and retained by 5mm sieve will be taken two different places as  fine aggregates.

Basalt crushing plant


The end materials are then taken by loaders and stocked on appropriate places until selling. Normally fine aggregates are moved directly. But coarse aggregates need mixing before stocking because of the fact that finer and coarser parts of the mass do not occupy the same spot at the end of the conveyor. The larger particle roll outward while finer ones concentrate directly below the end of the conveyor; hence need mixing to make the aggregate of a nonuniform  gradation.

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